View single post by Jh092
 Posted: 08-11-2022 08:40 pm
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Joined: 04-01-2021
Location: Strongsville , Ohio USA
Posts: 30
I’m not complaining and this probably falls under, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

I recently sorted out some running issues on my JH5 (#20092) and it is running better than ever. What concerns me is it idles at about 550 and I would like to know if that’s too low and if it hurting anything. The idle is smooth and acceleration is smooth with no hesitation or dead spots thru to the main circuit.

Stroked 2.2 l, low compression 912 pistons
5 speed
Dellorto DHLA 45 E
Distributor - points. Distributor recurved by Advanced Distributor to match engine setup
Timing 15 btdc
Gas - regular

Idle should be somewhere between 850 and 950 from what I can gather. By increasing the idle, I go further into the progression holes. Currently, the throttle plate covers 1-1/2 holes. I’m concerned that if I increase the idle, I might lose my smooth transition.

Should I be concerned or just enjoy it?