View single post by Art DeKneef
 Posted: 03-16-2021 11:17 pm
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Art DeKneef


Joined: 03-12-2005
Location: Mesa, Arizona USA
Posts: 338
Pretty much all of the hardware nuts and bolts are metric. When I needed some bolts and washers I tried Home Depot first, a local hardware store and then Copper State Nut & Bolt. That's in order of closeness to me first. Most of the common sizes could be found at the hardware store or Home Depot. The nut and bolt place had everything and if purchased in quantity had better prices.

Some items you might be able to get from Moss Motors. I looked at their stud plates but it wasn't clear if those pieces were the exact size as original on the JH.

When I started restoring one of my JHs I put parts and pieces into Ziploc bags and marked where they came from. After sorting useable from not useable figured the size of each and then went shopping. Generally in my case it was most of the smaller pieces that needed to be replaced.

The trim pieces are either connected with metal and plastic. Some of the plastic I used by going to the local auto paint store and going through their Avueco products catalog and then comparing the catalog item to the actual product in the store. I usually could find a substitute. If I couldn't I just made something up.