View single post by Distributorguy
 Posted: 03-10-2021 08:34 pm
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Joined: 03-10-2021
Location: Shakopee, Minnesota USA
Posts: 5
Esprit2 wrote:
The 'heads' of the 23D4 & 25D4 are small in diameter, and that puts the spark plug terminals close together. If you upgrade to a higher voltage coil, then there's a very good chance that the extra voltage will just arc between the terminals inside the distributor cap. Those small distributors are simply not compatible with high-voltage coils... period.

Tim Engel

Sorry this is a load of crap. You have 60 degrees of dwell time. There's no way you can cross fire a 4 cylinder unless its a vacuum distributor and its WAY out of phase (meaning the thumb knob is cranked all the way CW until its tight, which allows the rotor to approach the next terminal.)
The next issue with your argument is that you're limited to your functional spark plug gap. That limits actual HT voltage to well under 25kV. More like 12kV in most cars, no matter what the sticker on the coil says.

To answer the initial question, yes you can just remove the vac unit, but you need to also get the breaker plate position correct before you weld or screw it together. Again, back to my phasing comment above - it can make or break how the engine runs!!! JHPS can get your distributor rebuilt minus the vac unit, with a better than original timing curve for best overall performance.