View single post by noomg
 Posted: 09-04-2020 04:57 pm
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Joined: 08-02-2018
Location: Long Beach, California USA
Posts: 465
Since we're on the subject, I just read an interesting letter in the Standard from Ed Dias who lives in California. It sounds like he's recently acquired a '76 GT. Ed's got two problems, first he lives in CA, second the GT has had all the smog equipment removed. As a CA resident myself I feel for Ed, if he wants to get the car registered to drive in CA he's in for a wild and frustrating ride.

A word to California guys, if you're looking for a J-H stick with a '74 or earlier, no smog check required. If you're looking at a '75 or a GT make sure if it's not an original Cal car that it has all the smog equipment in place.