View single post by Esprit2
 Posted: 08-30-2020 08:03 pm
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Joined: 05-01-2005
Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota USA
Posts: 575
Disco, I'm sorry to hear you have been having trouble getting the carbs/ airbox sorted, but I also think you're barking up the wrong tree. The airbox's inlet diameter isn't restricting the airflow and 'throttling' the engine.

The Lotus Esprit S2 and two Eclats that I used to autocross all ran standard Lotus airboxes, filter elements and flex ducts. And they would all happily scream right past redline.

The Esprit's 907 was converted to 2.2 liters and hotrodded to about 230 hp, and I would often hit 8000 rpm during an autocross run. And that was a paranoid limit self-imposed by me and my right foot... the engine itself was still screaming for more when I lifted. It was NOT running out of breath.

If a 2.2 hotrod was NOT experiencing restricted breathing with a stock Lotus airbox, then I have a hard time believing your 2.0 is. Something else is also at play, and I recommend that you also look for the less obvious cause.

Breathing hot under-bonnet also reduces power. Resolve whatever your unknown problem is, and the engine will be happier breathing cooler outside air via the closed airbox.

Tim Engel