View single post by subwoofer
 Posted: 08-18-2020 08:26 am
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Joined: 04-01-2008
Location: Sandefjord, Norway
Posts: 617
Small update from the land of no updates. Miss Jensen has been a hangar queen for some time, but MoT is now done. Have run a few laps around red tape after my brake upgrade caused an MoT failure last year - thanks to updated MoT guidelines.

I have had to put the old brakes back on to have her registered under SVA rules instead of as a historic vehicle. Changes to regulations a few years back opened the door for modifications to SVA class vehicles, but because of idiotic bureaucratic red tape I had to rebuild to stock, have the car approved, then reapply the mods and have her approved again. Sigh. But it's almost there now, and it will not cause issues again.

A Megasquirt 3 and a set of Jenvey Heritage throttle bodies is a likely upgrade in a year or two.
