View single post by discogodfather
 Posted: 08-14-2020 05:12 am
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Joined: 09-17-2007
Location: San Francisco, California USA
Posts: 221
New project, new look. Added a front spoiler from Greg. Quality fiberglass piece, very sturdy. Had to fabricate an aluminum piece to go inbetween because the GT spoiler was designed to bolt on the later lower sheet metal piece (for the larger radiator) and does not directly bolt on to the non-GT's without a 1" gap towards the middle.

Painted the spoiler with yet another theme of the "Gold Leaf" Lotus F1 cars. Does anyone like it? I think it looks good. Also used some spoiler stabilizers at the front to give it even more sturdiness. Even at my considerably lowered spring height I am still at a decent 4.5" of clearance to the street, which is enough if you are careful.

Alas, my very nice Pipercross 600 cold air intake is a bit of a wash. It seems to require some rejetting, and I have it so nicely sorted right now I was bummed. Idle drops by 100rpm when I connect the system so I know there is a restriction, probably the cone filter housed in the 4" ducting. It's a bummer because I fabricated a lot of stuff out of sheet aluminum to make it work, but here's the deal killer: I would be willing to live with some of the performance drop with it on but it KILLS the intake sound. Just totally gone from the experience, it sounds just medicore at best. All the nice snarling.....I just can't live without it.

Rather than junk everything, I am going to remove the cold air part and the plastic intake box and replace it with a Pipercross box like filter. This will hopefully preserve the sound! It also allows me to keep the venting system that now puts crank vapor back into the engine and cleans up the smells in the engine compartment on a hot day. Still runs through the catch can so it's nice and clean.

Fingers crossed that I can finally find a filter system that preserves the marvelous sound of the open trumpets while giving some protection! Down to some final options here.

Also love the new Lucas PL headlamps, pricey but they really make the front end look cool.