View single post by discogodfather
 Posted: 07-01-2020 02:25 am
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Joined: 09-17-2007
Location: San Francisco, California USA
Posts: 221
kart54 wrote:
That car is stunning! Two quick questions: 1.Where did you get your floormats and 2 How are your brake lines run? Looks like you have done away with the unit on the fender liner and the lines go under your brake master, how are they routed after that?

Having just redone a portion of my brakes I would love to get rid of the crap on the fender liner.


Floormats are cocomats. They are made in USA (down in LA) and they are like the rolls royce of floormats. Very expensive, but it's a lifetime investment. I think I paid around $220. They send you a paper pattern and you can custom modify it down to the mm, send it back to them, and they make it tailored. Extremely durable and many styles and colors and fabric. Probably out of place on a stock car, but this is a hot rod.

The brake system uses a different pressure differential switch, I believe off an old toyota but I could be wrong. It sits on the side of the subframe, I will take some pics and show the setup. The original unit with all the plungers and stuff was always too complex for me to understand. It's been 20 years since we set up those brakes, but they work very well with just the right bias. I was at one point considering a race car like adjustable bias valve (like with a knob) but I never got around to it.

Thanks for all the compliments! I wanted this to be ready for the Dixon British car show up in northern CA but it was cancelled. I have a feeling many of us are getting projects done and living off of gas station and internet forum positive comments!

As long as people give me a pat on the head and they like the car, yes it's an MG!