View single post by discogodfather
 Posted: 05-08-2020 11:37 am
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Joined: 09-17-2007
Location: San Francisco, California USA
Posts: 221
Got the valve job done. Cut a 3 angle with a friends Neway tools, then resurfaced the valves with his Gizmatic (also a Neway device). Hand lapped the valves afterwards.

16 valves is alot and these heads are so small and elegant. The seats and valves are such high tolerance. Lots of respect to the people working on these- they really are like swiss watches. Took my forever to get everything cut, the seat width correct, and the vacuum testing done.

The valves on this head, especially the exhaust valves, seem different than stock valves. They seem thinner at the base (not due to resurfacing, the margin is the same) when comparing to another set of valves I know were stock. All the springs in the head are also not stock, maybe the old Dave Bean sourced heavy duty valve springs. Much thicker and stronger than stock.

Next up: finished shimming the valves and ordered a new set to new sizes. Going to degree in the whole thing with a very nice setup from comp cams a friend loaned to me. I have some of the old marks on the vernier pulleys, so I will be able to see how badly these were off from a correct timing.

ARP studs are all installed. 1 quart accusump also is plumbed but still trying to mount it.