View single post by DonBurns
 Posted: 03-30-2020 02:50 pm
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Joined: 09-18-2015
Location: Fullerton, California USA
Posts: 150
Two years have gone by, and my W58 conversion kit is still sitting there, taking up space. I now find myself with a lot of time at home, and I think I'll tackle it.

I know others (Rick for one) have used the Lotus Bits kit. There are a few parts that came with it, particularly some pins, that had me scratching my head. Probably once I start fitting it together it will all make sense, but it would be good to know as I start that I can ask for help and clarification.

One hopeful thing is that apparently there had been some complaints that the kit didn't quite work as delivered and required modification. Lotus Bits says they took a JH and actually installed my kit before sending. So should just work. Also I did go with a SpeedHut GPS speedometer (and tach) so that eliminates one potential hassle.