View single post by noomg
 Posted: 03-28-2020 05:37 pm
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Joined: 08-02-2018
Location: Long Beach, California USA
Posts: 465
Since our cars have a reputation for fires under the hood being prepared just makes good sense. The goal should be to extinguish the fire ASAP to minimize damage. The faster you get the fire out, the cheaper and easier the fix.

First of course is a fire extinguisher, if you don't have one get one! I prefer mine unmounted, no bracket to have to disconnect it from(one less step). Mine is wrapped with a towel and fits snuggly behind the passenger seat. It slides out quickly when exiting the car and the towel can be used to handle hot surfaces(hood).

Next, if you can't get the hood open like Joel(not uncommon)there are other options. The idea is to get the extinguishing agent on the fire. If you put the nozzle in the gap between the hood and the windshield on the right side you can shoot the agent into the engine compartment on the carb side where fire is most likely. Another approach is under the right side of the front bumper there is an access opening to that side of the motor as well.

Always a good idea to have a plan and a backup plan for something we all hope won't happen.