View single post by discogodfather
 Posted: 02-28-2020 07:44 am
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Joined: 09-17-2007
Location: San Francisco, California USA
Posts: 221
noomg wrote:
When you say you're going to do a "Gold Leaf" car are you going to paint a gold beltline stripe and white underneath? I think that color combo would look awesome on the J-H. When I painted mine I did a bit of a tribute to the JPS cars with a black overall and a double gold body stripe.

I experimented with the idea of the gold paint on the sideskirts but it's really difficult to pass off on a JH. Also the nose of the grand prix/F1 cars were always painted gold, so I decided to leave it the way the builder originally intended: black sideskirts with a tasteful set of double gold pinstripes between the black and red.

I'm going to try and make it to the Dixon show this year coming up in May put on by the The United British Sports Car Club - UBSCC.

Got the front wheels on tonight, they look great. I got about 3mm of space between the large aluminum JHPS four piston calipers, so it's perfect.

Still messing with the tune. I put the 55F9's idle jets back in and also put the old 125 main's it had in there originally, not 100% sure how the hell this thing runs with 125 main jets but it seems to be better than the 150's!