View single post by discogodfather
 Posted: 02-01-2020 04:11 pm
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Joined: 09-17-2007
Location: San Francisco, California USA
Posts: 221
redracer wrote:
Tim Engel has written extensively about this on the JHPS website, but we'll get you started.
First, the position of the ditributor/oil pump sprocket has no correlation to the Intake & Exhaust cam sprockets, which are solely for valve timing whereas the dizzy sprocket is for ignition timing. Assuming you still have points in the dizzy, you would static time this to about 10-15 degrees BTDC(hope you have terminated the vacuum retard capsule?).
If you have a Pertronix installed, you would need to eyeball where the rotor would fire the #1 spark plug.
As for the cam timing, you would be advised to get a degree wheel & dial indicator(or borrow one) to dial in the variable timing(and remove a cam cover to get the actual cam lobe measuremnt). Ideally, it would be a good idea to make a serious effort to find the engine builder to save you a lot of grief and possibly bent valves.
Frankly, after reading your initial statements, I would advise finding someone in your area to change the belt, etc. BEFORE any valves are bent

I have the petronix and will try and eyeball where cylinder 1 fires, thanks. Hopefully that gets me into the ballpark.

As for degreeing in the cam, I could easily borrow a friends wheel but I am not sure about the process. I understand it would involve getting some fake springs, etc. and using a dial gauge? Anyone have a how to on this for the 907 somewhere?

Since I am not sure of the cam grind, would I be wasting my time trying to degree it in without that info?

Unfortunately I think the engine builder has moved on or maybe passed on, it's been 20+ years. I haven't had any luck getting in touch with the previous owner either.

I'm glad I went to the trouble of changing the cam belt because my tensioner was nearly completely shot. The pulley was domed and the new bearing I got from Greg pushed through without any pressure and you could slide the bearings through the pulley with ease. Still trying to figure out a remedy for this, sent Qwerty a PM.

BTW, which way does the engine turn when running, looking from the front of the engine?

Sheesh, I knew this would be a big project!