View single post by redracer
 Posted: 09-20-2019 06:42 pm
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Joined: 09-10-2012
Location: BROOKHAVEN, Georgia USA
Posts: 655
thanks for finally getting back; that item is really needed and I have contacted both Robey & Rejens(but not Booth, who was at the 2000 Easy coast nationals) with no luck??
Somebody(assume in the U.K.) made these and I can't believe there is nobody who knows anyone from whatever factory made them. Please see if you can delve into this a little more, as I said there is a VERY REAL necessity and my cost of rebuilding all 3 pins is over $300.
btw, I am at the East Coast National right now in St. Louis, and there is quite an impressive group(40+ cars, mostly J-Hs) keeping the marque alive and well!
take care, bruce