View single post by chrisl
 Posted: 08-19-2019 04:33 am
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Joined: 09-21-2006
Location: Perth, Australia
Posts: 114
At some time she was shipped to the states, Possibly for emissions and other testing, then sat around untill she was sold to someone who drove it over there as a normal car probably not knowing what it was, then In 1990 she was imported in a container along with several other cars by someone who had a little business bringing back cars from USA to here (also not knowing or caring that they had inported a prototype.
I bought her from a fellow who had lomng since given up on her, sitting in a corner of a garage, not running and scaresly used. (I'm sure he dindt know she wa a prototype either) :)

Brilliant stuff, you should do an article for the JHPS, JCCA and for the JOC.