View single post by TommyV9
 Posted: 07-01-2019 06:39 pm
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Joined: 06-20-2019
Location: Cape Girardeau, Missouri USA
Posts: 19
I put a lot of work into my 74 JH over the weekend. I replaced the rubber brake hoses with braided steel. The body of this car has minimal rust, but every single fastener fought me the entire way. I also changed out the the cam cover gaskets and replaced the MC. It doesn't seem like that much when I write it down but it took me a lot of hours in a hot garage. Thank goodness I don't have to make a living doing this!

Now I'm trying to change the cam belt. I got the old one off and removed the crank pulley. (Edit: not necessarily in that order:) ) I had to remove the radiator and shift the oil cooler to get it done with the gear puller I had. I determined that my timing is 115/115, but my friend Jeremy convinced me to leave it alone and get it running then go back and change it later (one thing at a time). This is good advice. The stud for the tensioner backed out of the block rather than the nut coming loose, again, lots of corrosion. The tensioner and is stuck in the block. Do I just put a gear puller on it and pull it out? I have the twin bearings from Delta to rebuild it, but don't want to do something stupid, looking for some help.


Edit: not sure why the photo is rotated from what I saved.

Attachment: IMG_6820.jpg (Downloaded 67 times)

Last edited on 07-01-2019 07:06 pm by TommyV9