View single post by Tim Murphy
 Posted: 09-18-2018 08:29 am
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Tim Murphy

Joined: 03-22-2005
Location: Huntington Beach , California USA
Posts: 96
I have the same problem, a hiccup when idling. I am going to throw you a couple of curve balls here so be prepared :<) First, in my case, I have given up trying to get everything just right. If the engine starts, runs without overheating and the car stops when I apply the brakes, I am a happy camper. Now, I have an Allison/Crane Cams electronic ignition and ZS's. So maybe it is not in the ignition system. Maybe a sticky valve that takes a fraction of a second too long to close? Or engine vibration causing the carbs to deliver too much/or to little fuel. And my third option, which I favor, is a leaking brake servo causing the 3 and or 4 cylinder to be sucking air from the servo and not through the carbs. That could be tested by when the hiccup is happening, turn off the engine, disconnect the servo and cap the intake tube, then run the engine again. See if the problem continues. My servo is the original and needs to be sent in for a rebuild. How old is yours? I plan on going to the JHPS meeting tomorrow evening, maybe see you there. Take care.