View single post by oldschool1977
 Posted: 06-16-2018 03:56 am
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Joined: 04-07-2018
Posts: 30
First order of business was to get some cooler air into the carb. Due to the low hood clearance I needed to make an aircleaner myself. Not pretty but it is very functional and draws air from outside the engine compartment. I'll clean it up after the races next weekend if it performs well.

Next was to address the heat not flowing out of the engine compartment fast enough until the hood is opened. Fairly simple fix to this was a few 1" holes.

The holes really wont be effective enough unless I can draw more outside air into the radiator and engine compartment to keep the flow going in the first place. Unfortunately the air dam from Delta isn't currently available. So I needed to make something myself. Again not very pretty, but if it functions well I'll dress it up.