View single post by oldschool1977
 Posted: 04-09-2018 03:35 pm
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Joined: 04-07-2018
Posts: 30
Next it was time to address the structural issues of the car. The sub frame was pushed about 2-3" into the car. I managed to pull the floors and frame back into shape, and then added some steel tubing sub frame connectors to get the car a bit more ridged.

The seat mounts had quite a bit of rust and look to be a structural element of the car. They also set me up just a little higher then I should be with my helmet on. So they had to go and get replaced with 1/4" plate.

To really give some the body some rigid structure I welded some "L" brackets to the new sub frame connectors then bolted these through the steel plate of the new seat mounts.

The front sub frame is tied together side by side by the transmission mount. In the rear I tied the seat mounts into the drive shaft safety loop. The body should now be much more structurally stable in all 4 corners and have allot less flex under the load of the V8.