View single post by Jim Sohl
 Posted: 10-03-2005 05:48 pm
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Jim Sohl


Joined: 03-26-2005
Location: Chandler, Arizona USA
Posts: 39
Lawrence, Congratulations! I have sn 11210! The door plate claims a build date of January, '73. I just had to write to say, 'you're not alone with an early model.' 11210 was originally 'mustard', then painted red at least twice, now it is stripped and primer grey. As to your problems, the ground 'strap', as it is sometimes called, must be secure. If it will move or rotate as you say, this is not good. Additionally, if you have not already done so, all sources of vacuum leaks should be thought of as suspect until proven otherwise. This means inspection of all hoses, clamps, gaskets, throttle shaft seals, o-rings, and any other joint or seal exposed to manifold vacuum. Please write to let us know how things are going.
Jim Sohl