View single post by Esprit2
 Posted: 12-10-2017 06:26 am
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Joined: 05-01-2005
Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota USA
Posts: 575
The rope seal is flawed by type. It's old school, and less than perfect. If you install it perfectly, it may still leak. If you get it a little wrong, it will leak. I can't think of a scenario in which it's reasonable to expect that it won't leak. If not right away, then at least in far less time than would be acceptable after a rebuild.

The critical fit for pistons is with the liners, not with the block.

The downside to installing a Mk II block and main bearing panel would be the loss of the engine serial number. "IF" you have a collector quality example of a JH, then matching numbers mean something. They're significant. If you're car is something other than collectible, then the upgrade to a rear main lip seal would be more of a positive than the loss of the engine number would be a negative.

If you replace the block, then you must also replace the main bearing panel. They were match-machined during manufacture, and are numbered as pairs. If you just get a block, then it and the old MBP must (!) go to the machine shop to be align bored as a properly torqued assembly.

Tim Engel

Last edited on 12-10-2017 06:28 am by Esprit2