View single post by redracer
 Posted: 06-15-2017 05:19 pm
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Joined: 09-10-2012
Location: BROOKHAVEN, Georgia USA
Posts: 656
1) most likely part of exhaust hitting floor pan or transmission bracket
2)later covers are 2 piece, with many just leaving only the top one on for easy belt tensioning. Years ago, I did take someone's one piece '73 cover and convert into a 3 piece with metal brackets riveted and screws(not too difficult)
3)lights are dim, even with a full 12 volts. Haven't looked yet for LED replacements, so give it a shot
4)the 2 bolts mounting the top to the body bracket: the FRONT bolt is adjusted as high as possible and the REAR bolt is as low as possible. Haven't seen any adjustments any other way(maybe after an accident?)
bruce madden