View single post by SlamminJH
 Posted: 06-05-2017 04:43 pm
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Joined: 10-03-2016
Location: 24477, Virginia USA
Posts: 19
Dropped the engine, trans, and front subframe all together over the weekend and power washed the engine bay. Only thing I forgot to unhook was the capillary tube for the oil pressure gauge.

As you can see now, the car has been repainted a darker shade of green. According to the serial # it's supposed to be Oakland Green....I'm assuming that's the brighter green that the engine bay is. This green is also in the door jambs and other areas that are "hidden".

Over the course of the week I'm going to remove the trans and pick the engine off the subframe, then power wash the subframe. This weekend the plan is to take a day and pop the red car's front out to do the same...and hopefully re-assemble the green car.