View single post by DonBurns
 Posted: 01-15-2017 09:53 pm
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Joined: 09-18-2015
Location: Fullerton, California USA
Posts: 150
I was looking for an answer to another question and noticed this discussion about liner nip, so thought I would add this recent experience. The machine shop had my block on the grinder and I mentioned the specification to the liner nip. Of course when I came back to look at the progress I saw that they had decked the block and liners flat - no nip. This lead to an argument about the need for a nip but I held my ground and insisted they fix it. They ended up spending quite a few hours (they say) programing their NC mill to grind the block down from the liners by the required nip. (Well - actually .003, but at some point you just give up).

So it sounds like shimming the liners up is the way people usually go, but is there any reason why milling the block down should be an issue?

My question, since I see valve clearances were also discussed in this string - I have a 2.2 liter, 104 / 107 cam combination and 9.6 compression. Are the valve clearances the same for any cam? So .006 In / .011 Ex regardless of cam?
