View single post by qwerty
 Posted: 10-11-2016 11:04 am
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Joined: 10-01-2016
Location: Australia
Posts: 77
Esprit2 wrote: qwerty wrote:
(Snip)... Maybe it does have non standard cams, as yet i do not know. Maybe it's to let the DHLA 45's breathe.Remove a cam cover and measure a cam lobe. First, measure the total egg-shaped height with a caliper. Then measure 90 degrees to the first measurement, in order to get the base circle diameter... the round part at the bottom of the lobe. Subtract the two measurements, and the remainder is the total 'Lift'. The stock J-H C-cams had 0.340" lift. It may have worn down a bit through the decades, but anything radically different, especially 'greater', might indicate the cam is not stock.

The DHLA 45s will breath just fine with 110IN/ 110EX timing on stock C-cams. Both Dellortos (stock J-H 40s, or Lotus 45s) are wasted on either of the emissions MOPs (100 or 115). Performance carbs on tame emissions timing... they're polar opposite goals.

Tim Engel

Quite a few replys to get through!!, Once i have the covers off i will measure the lift will dial guage. PS i checked yestrday for markings on the exposed camshaft - Looks like a standard as no markings at all.