View single post by SlamminJH
 Posted: 10-10-2016 10:12 pm
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Joined: 10-03-2016
Location: 24477, Virginia USA
Posts: 19
Thanks for the insight guys! As it turns out a gentleman has reached out to me with a shell that has the bits I need in tact. I'm planning to take a mighty trip to go pick it up in the coming weeks.

The passenger side hood hinge is all "surface" rust. After removing the hood I was able to verify there are no thru holes there. Just some paint bubbling which I could scrape away.

Between now and the time I can get away to pickup the shell I'll be working on getting the thing running. Timing belt, oil service, plugs, etc. Figure if it does come down to parting it, a running engine would be easier to sell than something I have no idea on.

But lets not get to far ahead of ourselves.

I personally think it's worth it to fix it, but I'm a known masochist in the BMW world....I put a v12 w/6sp in my 1994 525i touring....