View single post by Esprit2
 Posted: 10-10-2016 08:46 pm
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Joined: 05-01-2005
Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota USA
Posts: 575
qwerty wrote:
I will be taking the cam covers off later this week or on the weekend. I will look for markings.The cam's ID marks are 'outside' of the cam carriers, on the exposed bit between the pulley and the carrier's front lip seal. The only marking on the part of the cam that is inside of the carrier are cast into the cam, not stamped or machined into it. All the cams are cut on the same cast blank, so they will all have the same part number cast into them. That's the blank's part number, not the finished cam's.

The C-cam has no cut grooves or stamped numbers as ID marks. It's the one odd-ball. If your cams are stock originals, then there are no ID marks to find. But finding that out is worth the looking.

Tim Engel