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 Posted: 09-12-2016 06:08 am
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Joined: 10-04-2013
Location: Riverside, California USA
Posts: 111
Almost complete with 13046. Here is a good photo of the new wheels with 196-60R-15 on the front and 205-60R-15 on the rear on the 15" Wheels from VTO. Love them. The tires rub very slightly when I go in reverse and have the wheels turned to the stops to the right. Otherwise they are perfect

I wanted to go with larger diameter on the rear to help reduct RPM at highway speeds without having to go to the 5 speed with the 3.43:1 differential. It helps reduce RPM by about 400RPM at 70 MPH. I have a 2.2 Stroker Crank with 10:5:1 compression and Delortto 45's. Runs great, but I'm thinking seriously of going with the W58 conversion this year.

Never satisfied.

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