View single post by DonBurns
 Posted: 05-29-2016 09:32 pm
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Joined: 09-18-2015
Location: Fullerton, California USA
Posts: 147
I got the rebuilt brake booster back a few weeks ago and no issues getting everything back together. I cleaned up the pedal box parts and had the housing media blasted so looks nice. I assembled to the firewall with some foam insulation as this is temporary, because some of my new engine compartment paint got removed due to leaking master cylinder, and I want to remove and have it repainted without getting spray on the pedal box / booster.

The brake shop that did the booster rebuild was
ABS Power Brake, Inc.
233 N. Lemon St.
Orange, CA 92866
V. 714 771-6549
Cost was $125

I have a new problem. The brakes are staying on, until I apply the brakes which turns the brake lights off. I took out the switch, and it is closed when out and open when in. Isn't that backwards? Since it is mounted above the brake pedal, the pedal is pressing it in when released, and releases the switch when you apply the brakes. My switch opens when I press it in. Am I missing something or did the switch go bad while I had it out?
