View single post by subwoofer
 Posted: 05-20-2016 06:44 am
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Joined: 04-01-2008
Location: Sandefjord, Norway
Posts: 617
There shouldn't be any need to run a new wire from the battery, the connection is at more or less the exact same distance from the battery.

You only need two wires to the starter, I don't think the new starter has provision for bypassing the ballast resistor on the coil as used to be the norm, no cars built the last 30 years use a ballast resistor. Replacing the resistor and coil with a 12V coil (blue Bosch, gold Lucas Sport) will give you better spark.

You asked for a picture, luckily I happen to have the airbox out this week to replace the rotor and dizzy cap (still waiting on parts) so snapping a photo was easy.

You might want to consider changing the angle of the starter slightly, there is plenty of room to do so and it will make access to the plug leads a lot easier. I didn't do it, but I might just pull it while I am in there.
