View single post by atgparker
 Posted: 03-16-2016 12:56 am
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Joined: 06-23-2013
Location: Mission Viejo, California USA
Posts: 90
I'm working on a W58 conversion at present.
I have scored a CUBE short throw shifter from down under for $130. I had to replace the "A002" bushing in your diagram with an aluminum one which is probably going to be making added noise as the OEM Toyota part is a rubber isolated double sleeve. But the housing it seems has a "rubber" splash shield with 6 washers to keep it from getting squashed. With rubber loaded washers above to secure the housing to the transmission body I suspect a lot of the noise is transmitted into the ball socket of the lever through this casting. The Cube shift lever is in two pieces which I think I will be able to off-set to produce correct positioning in the center console if the cube isn't to high up in the tunnel.