View single post by answerman
 Posted: 08-26-2015 08:52 pm
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Joined: 09-10-2012
Location: Little Chute, Wisconsin USA
Posts: 435
Who has had luck refinishing/cleaning up the stock JH alloy wheels? 

I have a total of 13 of them now due to various parts car purchases, and I am ready to experiment.  From what I've read, they are a magnesium alloy which is not the easiest to work with. 

I would like to remove all the paint and clear coat, remove the blemishes and get them to shine, and then repaint the black (I'm trying very hard to keep Ms. Jenavieve as faithful to factory as possible, so I don't want to go the Panasport route). I've tried wheel cleaner, emery paper, polishing compound, and a couple of other things on the "bare" parts with middling success.  The next step is probably bead blasting, but I was curious what other peoples' experience has been and what worked for you.