Ran into a few issues with the Spyida RVI to RVC repalcement PCBA kit. The VDO is looking a bit more appealing at this point! I discovered the heatsinks which are screwed to the frame violate the swept area in which the moving coil swings about that round anular disk magnet. In operation it would swing up to about 2,500 RPM and stop altogether because of the collision. Then on the other side of the needle swing it would hit the second heatsink at around 5 or 6,000 RPM. So, I had to take it apart and snip off the corners of the tansistors heat sinks to make enough clearence. The calibration cable arrived but with the wave file playing and a 12 volt feed it isn't working. So, I'll try to calibrate the Smiths Tacometer in the car to 3,000 RPM using the potentiometer (POT) with a Suntune diagnostic meter I have assumming that its decent in as far being accurate as a Tachometer. That is if I can rig it up so I can read it in the car while the POT gets twidled on the PCBA.
The 40 miles I put on the car over the weekend with it uncalibrated. This left me with an overall impression that the electronics are a bit overly damped to stop needle bounce and therefore it lags a bit in displaying the true engine speed when trying to observe unloaded reving of the engine when I bump the RPM during down shifts and the like.