View single post by mcguan.2
 Posted: 06-04-2013 07:34 pm
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Joined: 12-13-2007
Posts: 42
A little while back, I was having a lot of difficulty getting the gear shift lever to find gears. It felt like the transmission was moving around and I had to really wrench down on the lever to get it into gear. Well, I found out that it wasn't really the transmission moving, but the whole gearshift linkage was coming off the top of the transmission. So, I tightened all the bolts down and everything was working better than ever. Shifting was super easy.

Then, all of a sudden, I couldn't find any gears. It felt like the shift lever was just floating around in there. I still had the center console removed, so I looked down at the base of the lever and it appeared that nothing was really holding it in place. There was an aluminum-looking disc that was riding up above the screwed down cap (see photo), and it was all bent out of shape, so I'm wondering if it "popped" out from under the cap and should actually be underneath the cap, holding the shift lever in place. If that's the case, I can remove the shift knob, the disc, and the gearbox cap and re-arrange the order. Any help?

Attachment: ShiftLinkage (2).jpg (Downloaded 107 times)