View single post by andrewo
 Posted: 08-02-2005 06:38 pm
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Joined: 06-01-2005
Location: San Diego, California USA
Posts: 51
Okay, this is starting to penetrate, I think. If I understand this, what you are all saying is that there are actually two points in the timing cycle that the crank pully will indicate TDC. Once is really when the #1 plug should be firing, and once is when the third cylinder to fire will be firing (not actually #3 as I recall). So I have to rotate the engine, with the belt engaged, by 360 degrees, away from the point at which #1 currently fires, and that should result in a 180 degree revolution of the dizzy, which is where I really want #1 to fire. I then move the wires accordingly.

Could someone verify that I understand what you are all saying, and that I have the procedure correct?