View single post by Tim Murphy
 Posted: 03-22-2005 06:29 am
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Tim Murphy

Joined: 03-22-2005
Location: Huntington Beach , California USA
Posts: 97

I am doing some major work on my JH. Transmission pull, re-carpeting, fixing the rusted floorboards, installing custom air dam, etc., etc. The center counsel is pulled forward but everything is still connected

Now as I try to reassemble everything, the starter motor isn’t working, it just spins with the ignition key in the first click "accessory" position.

Using spare parts I have: switched starter motors, changed the ignition switch (but not the ignition lock), charged the battery, checked connections, etc.

The 2 thick brown wires going to the starter solenoid may have been switched but, if I remember correctly, that doesn’t make a difference.

Any suggestions or comments will be appreciated.


Tim Murphy

74 JH, 17303