View single post by Somebodystopme!!
 Posted: 11-18-2011 07:10 am
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Joined: 11-17-2011
Location: Carlsbad, California USA
Posts: 22
So I almost did not buy my Jensen because when I first got it with the seat all the way back my knees hit the wheel and legs were jammed against the console and dash too. very uncomfortable.

when sitting normally I was also looking directly at the top of the windshield header. even though my car does not have visors I still had to lean over to see out of the windshield.

So this is what I did,

I fabbed a couple of extensions for the seat rails so the seat would go further back. I also mounted the seat directly to the track reducing height by about 2-3 inches. I then removed the lower seat cushion and cut the lower rear part of the seat frame off and rewelded it up 1.5 inches. This allowed the seat to clear the little hump in the floor for the drivers rear suspension link.

You can kind of see the difference between the passenger and drivers seat from the pic below.

Now I see out of the upper half of the windshield and the seat is far enough back that my legs can stretch complety out. Sweet!

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