View single post by Ron Earp
 Posted: 07-19-2005 02:31 am
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Ron Earp

Joined: 03-12-2005
Location: Cary, North Carolina USA
Posts: 339
Are you thinking of using an aftermarket ignition such as a MSD-6AL? If so, I can outline the procedure for you in a few steps.

1. Pull dizzy cap, leave wires intact. Remove rotor, points, and condenser. Save for spares of when enemy EM pulse destroys all integrated circuit based ignitions. You can put your points back on and cruise when everyone else is walking!

2. Get engine at top dead center. Align white crank pulley mark with 0 degrees pointing setting, the right most tick with viewed from the front. Make sure cam pulley marks are aligned, if far off rotate engine crank pulley 180 degrees and they should be aligned - if not they'll be close, if not, then you need to time your engine.

3. Put Pertronix backer plate into dizzy, put magnetic sensor in place. Put rotor back on.

4. Notice which lead is spark plug number 1. With normal timing the #1 cylinder would have already fired at top dead center because you'll time the motor so that the static ignition is about 10 degrees before top dead center. So, estimate where the rotor would be if it had passed the number one terminal on the plug cap already. Adjust the dizzy so that the rotor will have just passed the #1 terminal. Remember, the rotor rotates toward the engine block, or counter clockwise if you were looking down on the dizzy.

5. Hook up the MSD as showned (black to ground, thin red to switched 12V source, fat red to constant 12V source). Now, hook the MSD to the Pertronix. You will take the white MSD wire and hook it to the BLACK Pertronix wire. Then, take the red Pertronix wire and hook it to a switched 12V source - I use the same one the MSD is running off of.

Fire it up! With the MSD in place you'll have some serious spark and nice adjustability if you use their optional timing retard unit. As soon as she tuns over get your timing light out and set the timing. If she doesn't fire up loosen the dizzy, hold it by hand, and rotate it a little left and right - when the timing gets close she'll light off, hold there and set timing with the timing light.
