View single post by Jay
 Posted: 05-20-2011 06:04 pm
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Joined: 08-05-2005
Location: Canton, Ohio USA
Posts: 73
I replaced both of the O-Rings with 5/8" ID x 13/16 OD standard O-Rings from a local NAPA store. The material was listed as Nitrile. I found the following information on a website and it would appear that this material would be okay for this application. Apparently Buna N would be okay (Petroleum Products). Any other thoughts on the Buna material? Should I find another replacement? Is the Nitrile (Buna N) is okay?

For those who may wonder what the plug looks like, I have included a photo of it.

The plugs pull right out. Maybe a little too easily but I guess that may be just an indicator that their sealing ability may have been depleated. The old O-Rings seened to be a bit soft.

Thanks for the help.


Nitrile (NBR or Buna N)

Due to it’s ability to be compounded for service over a temperature range of -65°F to +275°F, and it’s excellent resistance to petroleum products, Nitrile is the most widely used elastomer. Nitrile o-ring compounds can exhibit excellent compression set resistance, tear resistance, and abrasion resistance.

These compounds do not exhibit good resistance to ozone, sunlight or weather.

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