View single post by MikeIsotech
 Posted: 04-02-2011 08:41 pm
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Joined: 04-22-2010
Location: Winchester, United Kingdom
Posts: 33
I know this is an old topic, but I'm currently putting a GT dash in my JH, so I thought that I'd share my experiences to date.

You definitely will need to extend the wiring loom as some of the switches are in different places. I also had to add new wiring for things like the clock. I took my time to work out what I needed to do and used wiring from an old loom to keep the colours right. I soldered the joints and used heat shrink to make them safe. The JH wiring loom for the guages worked without modification luckily. The most tricky thing was the heater vents, the GT has four, the JH has two. I could've left the two centre ones unused, but decided to see if I could make them work too. A GT heater box is no good as it wouldn't go in without loads of work. I did see that there was just enough room to make two additional holes on the face of the existing box. I managed to cut these with a hole saw. The GT hoses could then be used to connect the box to the centre dash panel. It made it all a little tight to get the panel back in but, thanks to the help of a friend,it's in and all vents are working.

In summary, it can be done but it needs to be done carefully. If I'd know how much hassle it was, I'd probably use a later JH dash instead. It does look fabulous though, so I have no regrets now.
